Gangsta Blues

“If you want a collection of played out singles: Don’t buy this Album…
If you want a bunch of recycled lyrics: Don’t buy this Album…
On the other hand, if you’re looking for Innovation and free flowing creative juices prepare to be blown away.”

I would like to reassure my readership that I haven’t given up on all things reggae.

This is my favourite album from 2004, for all sorts of reasons that I can’t really write too much about now because I’ve heard it so many times. It works really well as an album, Tanya shifting between characters and tempos throughout.

She’s trouble, though…

One minute she’s bemoaning the fact that a geezer is already hitched, then a couple of tracks later she’s begging for his wife to “tek him back” ‘cos he’s rubbish! Speaking of rubbish, the Wyclef track is best avoided. The Spragga Benz collaboration is top notch tho – straight up Bonnie & Clyde business.

Check it out…