34 Broadway Market – they thought it was all over…

Local people reoccupy Tony's cafe

Local people reoccupy Tony’s cafe

Website for the community occupation of 34 broadway market.

On Boxing Day morning, a new group of supporters of the campaign managed to enter and re-occupy the cafe.

We have now undertaken an ambitious reconstruction scheme and are rebuilding the cafe almost as fast the wreckers smashed it down. (We plan not one but two floors – but no exclusive penthouse apartments or concierge on this development!).

We are loath to describe this as regeneration but it’s probably closer to it than anything Wratten or Hackney Council have been capable of so far.


  1. Interesting piece about this in yesterdays Independent….They also talked to a rastafarian grocer down the road from the cafe who’d offered £100,000 to the council to buy out his property/business, but his cheque mysteriously ‘disappeared’ and he was ‘under-bid’ by a property-developer who bought up his shop for £85,000 from the council….there’s been some real dirty dealings going on down Broadway Market….

  2. Yeah this is getting some great support and coverage now, so hopefully the spotlight is well and truly on Hackney Council and their scumbag property developer associates…

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