We’re having a little trouble

We’re having a little trouble

Ha! Paul Meme was down the park the other day and the gang of older kids were larking about, and one of them says “hey paul – is that your blog?” and Paul’s a bit suspicious cos they never normally talk to him, right? But it’s kind of exciting and he thinks maybe he’s in there and can be part of their gang and stuff.

So he lends it to them, and they check it out and seem really into it for a bit and Paul’s quite excited about that and is feeling all proud of himself.

But then inevitably they get bored and start throwing the blog at each other and for a while Paul plays along with them, but after a while he gets all upset, especially when he gets it back… and they’ve broken it.

The big kids realise what they’ve done and they scarper (tho the speccy one does say “sorry mate” which does actually make it a bit better, seeing a human side like that). And Paul’s left in the park, all alone, holding his broken blog.

One Comment

  1. Dream
    2004/12/19 @ 11:18 pm

    John Eden
    He’s taking it all in his stride, though! Half Softie, Half Essex Boy, that’s Paul. You never know which half is going to come out on top. It’s like an eternal battle between good an evil contained in one person, except with more swear words and silly dancing.
    2004/12/20 @ 02:51 pm

    John Eden
    it’s ok, he’s fixed it now. Eat your heart out, Zarathustra.
    2004/12/21 @ 03:00 pm

    Getting that blog broken was the best thing I ever did.

    Sadly, it as just too easy to get it fixed.
    2005/01/05 @ 04:14 pm

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